Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Update - one month at home...Jan. 11th

  One month update…

                We are all doing well in the CO Besonen household.  Ron and I love playing and caring for John.   He is a curious and active boy with a lot going on in his mind.  One of our goals is to try to make him laugh hard every day.   He loves to climb into things,  which means he is often emptying his plastic container of books in order to put himself in it.   Like many kids, he loves the bath and Elmo…the latter I have more trouble relating to. 

We have had a couple of very encouraging medical appointments for John.  Although he was diagnosed with “severe malnutrition”,   his labs show that there are no metabolic reasons for this diagnoses.  That’s the good news!  The bad news is that despite our attempts to “fatten” him up over the holidays, he only gained ½ of an ounce in three weeks.  We are now trying a few new strategies to get him to bulk up.

                We are scheduled for an initial evaluation from a cleft palate team in Denver to address his series of surgeries.  We were told by the medical assistant that John might have to gain weight before they would perform his first surgery.   We will know more by the end of the month. 

                Campus Crusade values adoption enough to give me maternity leave for a couple of months.  I have so enjoyed being with John and getting to know him better.   However, due to my responsibilities with directing a leadership school, I am working currently working part-time and will move into full-time in a week or so.  This means finding the right morning day-care for John. 

            If you remember us in prayer we our urgent need is to find John a good day care for the mornings. 


  1. You could see if he likes avocados. They would be great for helping to fatten him up.

    Love seeing more and more of his sweet, precious smile!

  2. It's great that John is making progress...just give him a little bit more time and he'll be chunky. :) So thankful that you have been able to have so much maternity leave! That is SUCH a blessing! I'll be praying for just the right person to care for John while you're at work...I know God's already got someone great picked out. :)
