The more I hear about Chinese adoption, the more of a miracle John becomes. Due to China’s increase in economic power, like in the US, pregnant women who can afford it are having ultra-sounds on their developing child. If the scan shows birth defects, like cleft lip and palate, it is becoming more common to abort the child.
On our adoption agency’s conference call, we heard the founder (a native Chinese) speak of his first adoption trip. When he visited orphanages 16 years ago in the Henan province (the one John is from), he found out that 1 out of 3 of the orphans were dying before they were 6 months old!
No wonder the nannies name children with strong, affirmative names. John’s Chinese middle name “Jei” means “Outstanding Person” and our friend’s son Nathan’s Chinese name means “Best Boy”. These children have survived against so many odds.
A Scripture that a friend sent us yesterday comes to mind: “The Lord Himself is my inheritance, my prize. He is my food and drink, my highest joy! He guards all that is mine”. Ps.16:5 TLB
Thank you, Lord for giving us John and for guarding His life with Your hands.
OH Laurie I am so thrilled for you all. Praying praying praying for you both to stay healthy adn for John too, Safe flights to you all. (And your friends)
ReplyDeleteJulie k
What exciting news! Love the pics of him and love the blogs you are posting!! Will pray for all the travels to go smoothly.