Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God as John's perfect parent...lessons I am learning from a surprise surgery

On Oct. 20th, we received an e-mail from our adoption agency in Denver stating that our son had been chosen as an excellent candidate for a program called “Tomorrow Program” run by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in China.  The program sends surgeons to orphanages to do selective cleft lip repair.  There were 6 children chosen from John’s orphanage.

Initially, Ron and I were not in favor of having John’s cleft lip surgery completed in China.  Ron was fearful that the outcome would not be suitable long-term.  I just didn’t want my son to have an operation without me to be there to take care of him afterwards.  I pictured John alone in the hospital without anyone advocating for his needs and it made me cry. 

However, after several clarifying conversations with our adoption agency we realized that Ron and I did not really have a vote in John getting the surgery.  Until we can travel to China, Dang Shi Jie (John) officially belongs to the state and they have legal right over his medical care.  This was so hard because it will likely be only 4 weeks before we get to travel to bring John home.  We have done everything needed to legally be his parents – but we do not officially have that title. 
Our adoption agency assured us that one of the nanny's from the orphanage would stay with the children as they are in the hospital for a week.  It was humbling to realize that although I feel like John’s mother, he does not know me yet.  And that it would actually be more comforting for him to have a nanny he knows at his side in the hospital rather than me.  I trust this preference will change quickly once he comes home with us. 

So what is God teaching me through this?  He is teaching me that John is His.  Even though I will soon play the part as his mother, that John has a heavenly parent that is watching out after him.  Realizing this will help squelch my desire to control, to protect John from pain, to decide what does and doesn’t happen to him. 

Thank you, Lord that you know what is best for John.  Teach me to trust you to be His perfect parent. 

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