Ron and I had an appointment with a Pediatrician today to ask a few questions about John before our Nov. trip to China and also to get a prescription for skin rashes that children can have from living in an orphanage.
After talking with us, the doctor e-mailed us his notes from our appointment. He writes: “My main concern is his (John’s) poor weight, and we discussed briefly effects of malnutrition and the context of institutionalization with behavior and learning issues”. This is not the first time that we have heard that malnutrition can affect brain functioning. But for some reason today, it sunk in for both of us. We are sad for John…we wish he had been here with us these last 22 months of his life…we wish that his “failure to thrive” problems would be over when his adoption is completed.
As I turned to my journal, I was comforted by a previous devotional time spent on Ps. 27: 14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” In the book, “A Shelter in the Storm”, Paul Tripp writes about these verses with a perspective that I find helpful. “Self-sovereignty is the dream of every sinner. It’s hard for us to trust ourselves to the wisdom, power, and control of another. We want to write our own dreams, we want to be the central character of the story. But the spiritual reality of the universe is that we are not authors of our own story. Our story is a part of a larger story that is written by the Lord. In this story, we are never on center stage. That is a position occupied by the Lord alone.”